

The Quality Assurance Plan specific to each client is established based on the INFOSCRIBE framework which is itself structured at two levels:

• At group level, the framework describes the policy on quality, human resources management, and technical resources common to all of the group's activities.
• At the activity level, the framework describes the standard process for each profession, the specific technical and human resources where applicable and the control points throughout the processing chain.

The Quality Plan includes the following documents:

• Description of the service and the criteria for measuring the quality of services with identification throughout the process of risks that could alter the quality of one of your measurement criteria. With regard to each risk, we classify the foreseeable consequences and the measures we take to remedy them.
• Description of the procedure for handling non-conformities which presents the means implemented to detect, record, analyze and resolve non-conformities detected by our employees or by you in the execution of the service.
• Description of the client-INFOSCRIBE liaison procedure which specifies the responsibilities and the main rules of communication between all project stakeholders.
• Business process sheets, listing for each phase/process of the production chain the deliverables, their format, the expected quality rate, specific controls, management procedures, production procedures
• The QAP and procedure sheets are updated throughout the project in order to integrate developments and solutions put in place, for handling exceptions for example.

quality management

In order to guarantee its clients impeccable work, the Infoscribe group is actively engaged in a quality management approach by including all its employees.
This approach includes:
  • Production monitoring, with KPIs (Quality Indicators) making it possible to monitor the different types of errors, and guide investigations to understand what caused these errors and put in place measures so that they no longer occur.
  • Traceability of our production: We keep our batch tracking files which allow us to know who worked on the production, control, rework of a batch.
  • Encourage the commitment of all our employees to apply our quality management policy, via monthly awareness meetings and a bonus system.
  • Listening to our employees. We encourage any new initiative and idea that would help us improve. To do this, we have set up an idea box so that everyone can submit their ideas.
The main international standards applying to our businesses constitute for INFOSCRIBE the normative framework for all its services.

Our working methods and our production comply with AFNOR recommendations, and particularly with:

• Standard Z 42 - 013: Electronic archiving - Specifications relating to the design and operation of computer systems with a view to ensuring the conservation and integrity of documents stored in these systems,
• Standard Z42-011-2 - 2001: Permanence of information on digital optical disk
• Standard X06 – 22 – 1: Sampling rules for controls by attributes - Part 1: sampling procedures for lot-by-lot controls, indexed according to the acceptable quality level (AQL). This method is also referenced under the ISO 2859 standard.

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